Preface to The Way to Vict’ry

The Way to Vict’ry on AmazonThe Way to Vict’ry is an ebook of three haiku inspired by Sun Tzu, Matthieu Ricard, and a magpie flight instructor.



In Sun Tzu’s Art of War, the fifth-century BC Taoist author likens the successful battle plan to a watercourse: it follows the path of least resistance to its objective.

Buddhist monk Matthieu Ricard devotes a chapter of his book Happiness (Atlantic Books, 2012) to the ego. He suggests the ego, imposed as a shield, becomes a target, which attracts suffering.

These works inspired the first two haiku in this book.

And the magpie flight instructor? It’s one of a mated pair that makes its nest in the bay tree behind the house. The springtime garden is a cacophony of young magpies on flight training day.

In haiku form, the lessons are easier to retain. These three have become personal mantras.

Stephen Wendell
November 9, 2016
Paris, France

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Young J. F. Millet, Road to Success

Maison où est né Millet

House where Millet was born.
(Pastel from the collection of Mr. Feuardent father.)
Sensier 3

That the young Millet grew up bigger than the other kids his age and strong and curious, that his father was a farmer like his grandfather, that he was the oldest son of eight children and so was obliged to become a farmer as well, that he enjoyed the work and didn’t regret this duty, that he learned Latin and read the Bible and the Confessions of Saint Augustin in that language, that he loved to draw and had a natural talent for it—all this has little bearing on the legend which would be born nearer the end of his life than its beginning. 


Apart from cars on paved roads and a rooftop antenna, modern day Gruchy appears much the same as in the early nineteenth century

However, within the summary of the painter’s youth are two separate lessons concerning success: How much counts the encouragement of our loved ones, and how narrow is the window of opportunity.

At eighteen, Jean-François talked with his father about his desire to become an artist. His father said:

“My poor François, I see thou art troubled by the idea. I should gladly have sent you to have the trade of painting taught you, which they say is so fine, but you are the oldest boy, and I could not spare you; now that your brothers are older, I do not wish to prevent you from learning that which you are so anxious to know.” (Sensier 40)

Millet’s birthplace

Inside the Millet home now a museum

So with his father’s encouragement, he went to Cherbourg to study painting. But only two months later the father was dying of a sudden illness. The son returned to Gruchy to sit at the deathbed.

Although the short time in Cherbourg had lit the passion within him, after his father’s death, Jean-François succumbed to his sense of family duty and stayed to run the farm. It was only by his grandmother’s insistence that he returned to his destiny:

“My François, you must accept the will of God; your father, my Jean-Louis, said you should be a painter; obey him, and go back to Cherbourg.” (Sensier 42)

How much counts the encouragement of loved ones toward our success! How narrow the window of opportunity!


This is the latest episode in A Pilgrimage to Barbizon. Follow this link to catch up on previous episodes (listed in chronological order). On Wednesday we’ll follow the fledgling painter to Cherbourg. 

Quoted dialog from Jean-François Millet, Peasant and Painter. Alfred Sensier, Helena de Kay translator. Boston: James R. Osgood and Company, 1881.

Image “House where Millet was born” from Sensier’s original work, La vie et l’oeuvre de J.-F. Millet. Paris: A. Quantin, 1881.


The House by the Well at Gruchy

The House by the Well at Gruchy,
painting by Jean-François Millet, 1864
Continue ReadingYoung J. F. Millet, Road to Success

Gruchy-Gréville, Normandy, 1814

France in 1814 was a tumultuous country. The French Revolution, begun 25 years before, ended in 1799, but the Napoléonic wars followed. A young artillery officer during the revolution, a certain Bonaparte rose to power and established the First French Empire in 1804. Napoléon I fought a series of wars with his European neighbors then, in 1812, invaded Russia.


French Empire 1811Map of the French Empire and Central Europe in 1811
From The Cambridge Modern History Atlas. Ward, Prothero, Leathes editors. Cambridge: University Press, 1912 (455-6).


Allying with Prussia and Austria, Russia responded in kind. The allies captured Paris in the spring of 1814. Forcing the emperor to abdicate, they sent Napoléon into exile on the island of Elba, off the coast of Italy and near his home in Corsica. He would escape the island the following year and return to France to continue his aggression. Within a few months, Napoléon was defeated at the Battle of Waterloo. This time, he was exiled to Saint Helena, a small island in the middle of the South Atlantic. He didn’t escape again.

Meanwhile, in 1814, the Parisian “bistro” (Russian for “quickly”) was named by occupying soldiers pressed for time, immigrant American protestants established the American Church in Paris, and the long process of moving bones from the Holy Innocents Cemetery to the catacombs below Denfert-Rochereau was completed.

All this may have seemed far removed from Gruchy hamlet in the commune of Gréville on the Normandy coast, a week’s carriage ride north of Paris. Situated on the Cotentin Peninsula, which protrudes into the English Channel, Gruchy boasted not more than 25 thatched-roofed homes. These farmhouses lined either side of a single street, wide as a buggy. Fields beyond gave way to pastures and woodlands. Into this pastoral landscape was born Jean-François Millet, who would become known as the peasant painter.

Normandy Coast near GruchyOn the Normandy coast near Gruchy wind and rain are not uncommon in any season; late July 2016, this was the day’s best weather

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Roy’s Own Page

Terror wights don’t read. But Roy gets more fan mail than I do, so I read it to him. He really appreciates your kind words, and he adores the photographs and hand-drawn pictures.

Roy, Terror Wight Cover ModelI made a page for Roy, so his fans can keep up with his latest exploits. Roy’s page has links to all the articles featuring your favorite terror wight, plus this candid shot I got of him earlier today. You can leave a message for Roy in the comments section.

Roy, Terror Wight Cover Model

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Terror Wight Give-Away

Roy really wants you to have a copy of his ebook. Right now, he’s giving away the Kindle edition of Littlelot and the Real Monster.

Roy, terror wight and cover model   Take this book!

The terror wight still doesn’t grasp the concept of an electronic book.

“Give me a really big stack of books,” he said, “so I can give them away.”

I said, “I’ll give you an unlimited stack of books, Roy. Give away as many as you like.”

“Not big enough! I need a really big stack of books.”

To get your Kindle edition of Littlelot and the Real Monster from Roy’s “really big” stack, click this link to its Amazon page.

Get Littlelot and the Real Monster

The give-away ends Monday at midnight (Pacific time, GMT-8). That’s 9 a.m. in Paris, Roy’s bedtime. He hopes to go back to the figurine drawer empty handed.

Please don’t disappoint the terror wight!

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Read all about what happens next

Littlelot and the Real Monster is now available. Find it and The First Story of Littlelot on the Books page.

and the
Real Monster

Littlelot must overcome his fear to confront the monster that threatens to eat him and his family too!



Roy doing a happy danceWhile signing book covers for his friends from the figurine drawer, Roy (front center) does a happy dance

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Roy is not happy

Unhappy Terror WightThe terror wight is acutely aware that the late release of The First Story pushes back the next one. Roy says he’s going to autograph covers of Littlelot and the Real Monster and give them to his friends in the figurine drawer.

I told him, “It’s an electronic book, Roy. It doesn’t work that way.”

But he wasn’t listening. He said, “Why can’t we put out my book first?”

“Roy, The First Story has to be first—it’s… the first story. It’s where the character earns his knight’s name.”

Roy grumbled under his breath, something about knights.

I said, “What did you say?”

“Lancelot is a pushover!”

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Hypertext Magic Language

In the past few weeks I’ve been learning a new thing. It’s called hypertext magic language—HTML for short. It’s behind the words you read in an ebook and you can make beautiful things with it.

Although it took longer than I thought, The First Story of Littlelot is in the final proofreading stage. It will be available before the end of the year. Look for it on the Books page.

Meanwhile, here's a preview of the ebook.

The Dilemma PreviewFrom The First Story of Littlelot
Beginning of the fifth chapter with facing illustration,
two-column view in Kindle-for-PC

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Meet Roy, Terror Wight

Roy Terror WightRoy is a terror wight from my miniature figurine collection and the cover model for Littlelot and the Real Monster.

This guy is fun to work with. To get him to make that face, all I have to do is look him straight in the eye and say, “Roy… No cookies!



Littlelot must overcome his fear to confront the monster that threatens to eat him and his family too.


Ebook Available
December 2016

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